
Empower Hockey: 2024 Game Changers Winner

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Introducing Empower Hockey, a winner of the 2024 Game Changers Campaign. Karen Chan submitted for Empower Hockey to support the newly developed summer women’s adult hockey program.

Do you have a personal connection to women’s hockey, and if so, how has it influenced your decision to support Empower Hockey? (Karen) 

I have been playing ice hockey as a goalie since 2004 and began to learn hockey at the age of 24.  I never learned how to skate when I was young either, so this meant strapping on pads with friends and learning everything in the heat of the moment.  There was no such thing as “adult learn to play goalie” classes, so it was a lot of YouTube and a lot of getting out on the ice and experimenting (and being terrible!).  I was constantly searching for lessons and at that time, no real options for beer league level learning, let alone ones specifically for women.  A few years ago, I happened to be listening to a podcast that Kimberly Newell of Empower Hockey was speaking on and I ended up listening to it twice in a row because her story of perseverance through injury really resonated with me.  I also learned that she ran a girl’s hockey program right in my backyard in BC which then inspired me to reach out to see if she would consider teaching me.  We did some one on one sessions and I realized Kimberly’s passion had to be shared with more women than just myself.  We had conversations about the potential for adult women’s hockey sessions for players and goalies and once Kimberly spoke with her business partner Mel, adult Empower Hockey sessions were born for the summer of 2023.  There are not a lot of options for women’s only hockey training on the West Coast. Empower understands that the women’s game is different and therefore requires a different method of coaching.  Working with Mel and Kimberly has improved my game substantially and I want their program to succeed so they can help other adult women play at their highest level. 

Why do you believe Empower Hockey’s adult women’s program is important for the community?  (Empower)

Empower Hockey’s adult women’s program is important for the community because it provides a unique opportunity for women, particularly those who started hockey later in life, to invest in themselves and deepen their enjoyment of the game. This program caters specifically to adult women, addressing a significant gap in available sports programs. By creating an open and supportive community, Empower Hockey helps women develop confidence, learn about themselves, and improve their skills. Through sport, participants not only enhance their physical abilities but also engage in personal growth and self-betterment, making this program a vital resource for fostering individual and communal development. 

How do you think the $1000 prize will make a difference in ensuring the success of Empower Hockey’s summer program? (Empower)

The grant received from CARHA Game Changers will make a significant difference in ensuring the success of Empower Hockey’s summer program by providing crucial financial support to cover the high cost of ice time. We can ensure that we maintain the quality of our program while making it accessible to more women. This funding will enable us to continue offering a well-structured and supportive environment for women who can fit the program into their busy schedules, ultimately promoting the growth and success of our community. 

Why is it crucial to have women-only programs in hockey, and how do they differ from co-ed or men’s programs?  (Empower)

It is crucial to have women-only programs in hockey for several reasons. Firstly, the women’s game has unique dynamics that differ from men’s and co-ed programs. Women who pick up hockey at a later age often haven’t been immersed in the sport from a young age like many men, particularly in hockey-centric cultures like Canada. Women-only programs provide a supportive environment where participants can build their confidence without the intimidation that might come from joining a co-ed group. 

These programs cater to a wider range of skill sets, allowing women to progress at their own pace among peers with similar experiences. Additionally, women-only programs foster a sense of camaraderie and make it easier to form friendships, as participants are on a shared journey of learning and improving in the sport. This supportive community aspect is vital for encouraging more women to join and stay in the sport, ultimately contributing to the growth and success of women’s hockey. 

Can you share a personal story or experience that highlights the impact of Empower Hockey on its participants? (Karen)

When I started playing in 2004, I knew many women that were learning to play hockey as adults.  We were limited to coed programs that the local rinks provided. In 2024, those same programs are still running, but many young women, now in their 20s, already learned to play hockey as children.  The women that didn’t learn when they were young and are trying to learn now, the feedback is that it’s very intimidating to step into lessons that are predominantly populated by men, taught by men, and the lack of time put towards understanding the need of a particular skill.  Empower Hockey allows women to learn in a safe space where they can ask questions and understand the “why” behind the skill that is being taught allowing players to build a better foundation. 

What message would you like to share with others about the importance of backing initiatives like Empower Hockey? (Karen)

Representation is so important. To hop sports for a second, I think about Caitlin Clark.  When she was young, she had a goals board and on that board was that she wanted to play in the WNBA.  If she didn’t see women playing professional basketball, how could it have been a dream for her?  Having Empower provide strong female leadership and hockey skills to women of any age, will grow the game from a grassroots level.  Maybe one woman will be inspired by the lessons and become more involved in helping coach her daughter’s team.  Maybe a daughter grows up to coach adult women and understands the importance having watched her mum learn how to play hockey and the joy it gives her.  Ultimately, what I love about Empower Hockey the most is that it’s about lifting women up and getting to play hockey while we do it. 

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