Slave Lake Ice Patrol – Hilda Eben and EG Wahlstrom Outdoor Rinks

The Slave Lake Ice Patrol (SLIP) is a group of dedicated volunteers that build and maintain the outdoor rinks in the community of Slave Lake. This group of volunteers gives back immensely to the residents of our community. They have worked hard over the years to secure donations and sponsorships to help with the upkeep […]
Lake Louise Sport & Recreation Centre

I would like to nominate the ODR at the Lake Louise Sport & Recreation Centre in Lake Louise, Alberta. The LLSRC is a non-profit facility that is 100% funded by grants. All funding is used to upgrade and maintain the facility and offer recreation opportunities to locals for little to no cost. This money would […]
Kiwanis Central Park / Ryan Davison

I am the the Parks Facilities Foreman for the City of Medicine Hat Parks and Recreation department and would like to nominate this outdoor rink and this Adopt-A-Rink volunteer Ryan Davison. Without volunteers like Ryan Davison there would be no outdoor rinks available for our community residents to use. The below is an excerpt from […]
Viking outdoor Rink

The outdoor rink gives an opportunity for all kids to get on the ice and skate no matter age or skill. There is also a fire pit and the snow gets pushed up into a little sledding hill for kids to use after they are done skating.
Dapp Outdoor Rink

The Dapp Outdoor Rink has been at the heart of the community for over 50 years. Built, operated and maintained by amazing community volunteers, the Dapp rink perfectly suits the slogan “build it and they will come.” Dapp may be a tiny dot on the map, but many, many big dreams have been lived out […]
Bud Miller All Seasons Park

The Bud Miller All Season’s Park Outdoor Rink is a major attraction for the City of Lloydminster residents. The facility is organized and ran by a wonderful group of City employees who make sure the rink is well maintained and accessible for residents and visitors of all ages. The outdoor rink is more than skating […]
Kincora Community Association – Adopt A Rink

This is our 7th year of our little 50×90 adopt a rink in Northwest Calgary. Supported by the City with access to the fire hydrant and a committed group of local volunteers we have a great sheet of ice that our entire community can use. In the past few years we’ve added picnic tables and […]
Town of Westlock

ODRs are where Canadian communities come together. We learn to grow independently and as teams. Build confidence and perseverance. Cheer each other on. Move our bodies. An ODR can help build big dreams in a small community like ours
Busby Community Rink

Busby is a small community that has limited recreation. Our outdoor rink is the hub of our community in the winter. It is used by all walks of life including our K-6 school. Our rink is flooded by our amazing volunteer fire department. The community keeps it cleaned and ready to be flooded. Unfortunately our […]
North Millbourne Community League

We have two community run rinks at NMCL, one for families and one for hockey. We are so proud of how our rinks bring out children of all ages and kids at heart (grownups) to stay active and play together.