Looking to make an impact in achieving gender equity but not sure where to start or go next? We put together some examples that we’ll continue to add to. These are great conversation starters, options for seeking funding, and ways to demonstrate your allyship.
- Representation in recreational departments, amongst leadership, and on your Board
- Support opportunities for skill development on a personal and professional level
- Educate yourself and others. Webinars/workshops on gender equity offer many resources and tools
- Incorporate gender-neutral spaces in your facility, such as change rooms
- Equal opportunities for booking recreational spaces (e.g., ice time)
- Training and certification for female coaches and officials
- Survey your community for interest in recreation programs or starting teams with a focus on gender equity (contact Lucy for details)
- Explore childcare programs that run in conjunction with female programs
- Run a Learn to Play program (we can help through our Play the Game program)
- Offer camps and programs to help build confidence and leadership
- Offer equipment resources
- Celebrate female athletes at all levels!