
Safety Series

Launched as part of the continued efforts to promote a safer sport environment, the current focus is on education and awareness of concussions and safe sport in our communities.

CARHA Hockey would like to recognize Canada’s Sport Information Resource Centre (SIRC) for its support of the Safety Series.  We are proud to be one of 25 organizations to receive a Community Activation Grant to champion safety in sport. You can read more by following the link below. 

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Concussion Awareness

A concussion is a brain injury that cannot be seen on routine X-rays, CT scans or MRIs. Concussions may affect cognitive abilities and memory functions, along with various other symptoms. Any blow to the head, face or neck area, or a blow to the body causing a sudden jarring of the head could cause a concussion (e.g., a force to the head, falling to the ground, receiving a body-check).


Safe Sport

CARHA Hockey is committed to creating safe sport environments that are free from all forms of maltreatment. We will continue to provide information to ensure proper policies and procedures are follwed.

Contact us

Picture of Becky Kolberg

Becky Kolberg

Manager, Communications and Digital Media

613-244-1989 / 800-267-1854
Ext. 241