The Rundle Women’s Hockey League (RWHL) was established in 2019 as a grassroots initiative in the Bow Valley, starting with four teams and growing to six teams in 2022, now serving over 96 women. Our league includes players of all skill levels, from beginners to those who have played in college, NCAA, or professional leagues in Europe. We pride ourselves on our diversity in age, sexual orientation, ethnicity, and hockey experience.
To keep the league going, we are constantly looking to recruit and grow new goalies and often times that means finding women who have never played this position before and in some cases, have never even played hockey before.
If we were to win we would use the prize money to run a goalie clinic and we would also secure sets of league goalie equipment to help us support these women so they can bravely take on this new challenge without taking on the financial burden of purchasing a full set of equipment.