

Climate change is affecting us all and the hockey community is no exception! Here you’ll find a place to share information and practices as we work together for a greener future. Our Green Intent Assessment provides an in-depth analysis of green practices and challenges within recreational facilities.

Follow along as we launch various challenges throughout the year to encourage going green!

CARHA Hockey Green Intent Assessment

Conducted by Community Researchers

Environmental sustainability is not separate from sport. Within hockey and sport in general there are ways we can make a difference and encourage green practices! CARHA Hockey worked with Community Researchers to survey various facilities on their current greening practices and their intent to implement new ones. There has been great progress, however in our ever-changing environment, there are always more ways to improve both big and small. 

Our sustainability survey revealed that there is a clear interest in making facilities greener. Our goal is to facilitate a conversation on ways hockey and sport can introduce more sustainable practices or point you in the right direction for more information. The game we love uses important resources like fresh water and energy, it’s time to consider our current impact to keep the game we love going!

Common Themes and Challenges

  • Lack of funding
  • Lack of staff capacity
  • Structure and age of facility
  • Location of facility
  • Knowledge and understanding
  • Many say they’re interested in becoming greener yet do not have things implemented

Common Things Implemented Already

  • LED lighting on ice
  • LED lighting off ice
  • Dimmers/automatic lights
  • Natural refrigeration system
  • Frequent maintenance of facility equipment
  • Recycling waste
  • Installing reclaimed rubber floor

Common Things Identified with a Strong Interest in Implementing

  • Electric ice resurfacers
  • Heat recovery methods
  • Installing low-flow water systems
  • Attending professional development related to green initiatives

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